Music For Kids Off-Site Program
Great News For Preschool and Kindergarten Directors

Let us fill your school with fun and learning!
Half-hour per week, up to 25 children per class. As little as $1.50/ child per lesson.
Keyboard Learning
Solfege (Do Re Mi) Singing
Expressive Singing
Ear Training
Rhythm Activities
Body Movement
Music Reading
In addition, children develop poise and confidence while exploring together the joy of music-making. Group songs, relay pieces, partner dances, and echo singing teach children the values of teamwork, sharing, & taking turns. A wide variety of musical styles teaches them to explore their own innate range of expression and to appreciate the beauty inherent in all musical forms.
Two options are available:
- You may provide the music program as part of your total tuition.
- You may offer it as an elective paid for by parents of participating children.
Elective Option:
- Parents sign up their child on a poster provided to your school by Northwest Academy of Music.
- When sufficient students have signed up, a day and time for the class is agreed upon by your school and the Academy.
- Parents are provided a registration form to return to your school with payment for the program. ( Not necessary if your school provides the music program as part of your school's regular tuition.)
- Registration forms and first month's tuition are sent to the Academy.
If you are interested in learning more about MUSIC FOR KIDS, we'd be happy to give a demonstration lesson to your students and their parents at your facility. We think you'll be very excited by the results.
MUSIC FOR KIDS is a national program that has been very successful in pre-school and day care facilities throughout North Idaho. We hope that you'll join with us to provide your youngsters an enjoyable and meaningful experience with music.
If you would like more information about MUSIC FOR KIDS or would like to host a demonstration lesson at your facility, please fill out the form at the link below, or print it off and return to the address listed. We hope you join us this year!